All | 3 | 5 | 6 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | Y | d | f | s | u | y | Ă
Number of results : 8
- NLP North (IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark)+ Evaluation of multi-task NLP model called MaChAmp
- NLP lab (Tianjin University, China)+ Train and test a multi-lingual parser.
- Natural Language Processing Group (Stanford University, USA)+ Build a French model for Sanza, a Python distribution from the NLP
+ studying relation between psycholinguistic processing and crosslinguistic
grammatical patterns
+ Étude de l’influence de l’accord grammatical vs. accord
local sur la compréhension'
- Natural Language Processing Research Group (TALP Research Center, Espagne)+ Developing a robust MT system for English, French and German
- Natural Language Processing and Computational Social Science Lab
(THUNLP) (Tsinghua University, China)+ Test the effectiveness of the sememe-enhanced rnn in France Language Model
- Natural Language Systems Division (Université de Hambourg, Germany)+ Evaluating parsers on the FTB, especially comparing different annotation
schemata (UD vs. native) and performing research wrt. incremental properties of
- Natural Language Technology Group (University of Brighton, UK)+ EPOCH
- Nuance (Text-to-Speech R&D, Belgique)+ Automatic voice recognition and speech recognition.