French Treebank


French Treebank

A lexcical and syntactic resource richly annotated (and validated manually) for linguists, NLP-ready.

The French Treebank is distributed for research purposes. To do so, you first have to agree the terms and conditions.

You can also contract a licence for commercial purposes. If so, please contact us.

Quotation: Abeillé, A., L. Clément, and F. Toussenel. 2003. "Building a treebank for French", in A. Abeillé (ed) Treebanks, Kluwer, Dordrecht. (p.165-187)

The corpus has been annotated by softwares developed specifically for this set of tasks (Clément 2001) then systematically corrected by hand.

If you notice a remaining error, first assure you that it is not a conscious choice by consulting the guidelines; if not, please notify it.

Examples of a syntactic annotation

Pick up a sentence

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Affichage du format

Une quinzaine de militaires libériens ont été transférés à Abidjan.
<SENT argument="ETR" author="MINANGOY ROBERT" date="1990-01-19" nb="1015" textID="456">
    <NP fct="SUJ">
        <w cat="D" ee="D-ind-fs" ei="Dfs" lemma="un" mph="fs" subcat="ind">Une</w>
        <w cat="N" ee="N-C-fs" ei="NCfs" lemma="quinzaine" mph="fs" subcat="C">quinzaine</w>
            <w cat="P" ee="P" ei="P" lemma="de">de</w>
                <w cat="N" ee="N-C-mp" ei="NCmp" lemma="militaire" mph="mp" subcat="C">militaires</w>
                    <w cat="A" ee="A-qual-mp" ei="Amp" lemma="libérien" mph="mp" subcat="qual">libériens</w>
        <w cat="V" ee="V--P3p" ei="VP3p" lemma="avoir" mph="P3p" subcat="">ont</w>
        <w cat="V" ee="V--Kms" ei="VKms" lemma="être" mph="Kms" subcat="">été</w>
        <w cat="V" ee="V--Kmp" ei="VKmp" lemma="transférer" mph="Kmp" subcat="">transférés</w>
    <PP fct="P-OBJ">
        <w cat="P" ee="P" ei="P" lemma="à">à</w>
            <w cat="N" ee="N-P-ms" ei="NPms" lemma="Abidjan" mph="ms" subcat="P">Abidjan</w>
    <w cat="PONCT" ee="PONCT-S" ei="PONCTS" lemma="." subcat="S">.</w>
(SENT (NP-SUJ (D Une) (N quinzaine) (PP (P de) (NP (N militaires) (AP (A libériens))))) (VN (V ont) (V été) (V transférés)) (PP-P_OBJ (P à) (NP (N Abidjan))) (PONCT .))

Data visualization

<s id="-1015">
    <graph root="-1015_1008">
            <t id="-1015_1" word="Une" pos="D" lemma="un" num="s" subcat="ind" gen="f"/>
            <t id="-1015_2" word="quinzaine" pos="N" lemma="quinzaine" num="s" subcat="c" gen="f"/>
            <t id="-1015_3" word="de" pos="P" lemma="de"/>
            <t id="-1015_4" word="militaires" pos="N" lemma="militaire" num="p" subcat="c" gen="m"/>
            <t id="-1015_5" word="libériens" pos="A" lemma="libérien" num="p" subcat="qual" gen="m"/>
            <t id="-1015_6" word="ont" pos="V" pers="3" lemma="avoir" num="p" tense="pst" mood="ind"/>
            <t id="-1015_7" word="été" pos="V" lemma="être" num="s" tense="past" gen="m" mood="part"/>
            <t id="-1015_8" word="transférés" pos="V" lemma="transférer" num="p" tense="past" gen="m" mood="part"/>
            <t id="-1015_9" word="à" pos="P" lemma="à"/>
            <t id="-1015_10" word="Abidjan" pos="N" lemma="Abidjan" num="s" subcat="p" gen="m"/>
            <t id="-1015_11" word="." pos="PONCT" lemma="." subcat="s"/>
            <nt id="-1015_1001" cat="AP" >
                <edge label="" idref="-1015_5"/>
            <nt id="-1015_1002" cat="NP" >
                <edge label="" idref="-1015_4"/>
                <edge label="" idref="-1015_1001"/>
            <nt id="-1015_1003" cat="PP" >
                <edge label="" idref="-1015_3"/>
                <edge label="" idref="-1015_1002"/>
            <nt id="-1015_1004" cat="NP" fct="SUJ">
                <edge label="" idref="-1015_1"/>
                <edge label="" idref="-1015_2"/>
                <edge label="" idref="-1015_1003"/>
            <nt id="-1015_1005" cat="VN" >
                <edge label="" idref="-1015_6"/>
                <edge label="" idref="-1015_7"/>
                <edge label="" idref="-1015_8"/>
            <nt id="-1015_1006" cat="NP" >
                <edge label="" idref="-1015_10"/>
            <nt id="-1015_1007" cat="PP" fct="P_OBJ">
                <edge label="" idref="-1015_9"/>
                <edge label="" idref="-1015_1006"/>
            <nt id="-1015_1008" cat="SENT" >
                <edge label="SUJ" idref="-1015_1004"/>
                <edge label="" idref="-1015_1005"/>
                <edge label="P_OBJ" idref="-1015_1007"/>
                <edge label="" idref="-1015_11"/>

Data visualization

1	Une	un	D	DET	sentid=flmf3_01000_01499ep-1015|g=f|n=s|s=ind	2	det	2	det
2	quinzaine	quinzaine	N	NC	g=f|n=s|s=c	8	suj	8	suj
3	de	de	P	P	_	2	dep	2	dep
4	militaires	militaire	N	NC	g=m|n=p|s=c	3	obj.p	3	obj.p
5	libériens	libérien	A	ADJ	g=m|n=p|s=qual	4	mod	4	mod
6	ont	avoir	V	V	m=ind|n=p|p=3|t=pst	8	aux.tps	8	aux.tps
7	été	être	V	VPP	g=m|m=part|n=s|t=past	8	aux.pass	8	aux.pass
8	transférés	transférer	V	VPP	g=m|m=part|n=p|t=past	0	root	0	root
9	à	à	P	P	_	8	p_obj	8	p_obj
10	Abidjan	Abidjan	N	NPP	g=m|n=s|s=p	9	obj.p	9	obj.p
11	.	.	PONCT	PONCT	s=s	8	ponct	8	ponct

Data visualization

Aussi s’est-elle évertuée à torpiller tous les projets en faveur de Rhône-Rhin.
<SENT argument="ECO" author="FAUJAS ALAIN" date="1990-01-19" nb="1067" textID="464">
        <w cat="ADV" ee="ADV" ei="ADV" lemma="aussi">Aussi</w>
        <VN fct="SUJ">
            <w cat="CL" ee="CL-refl-3fs" ei="CL3fs" lemma="il" mph="3fs" subcat="refl">s'</w>
            <w cat="V" ee="V--P3s" ei="VP3s" lemma="être" mph="P3s" subcat="">est</w>
            <w cat="CL" ee="CL-suj-3fs" ei="CL3fs" lemma="il" mph="3fs" subcat="suj">-elle</w>
            <w cat="V" ee="V--Kfs" ei="VKfs" lemma="évertuer" mph="Kfs" subcat="">évertuée</w>
        <VPinf fct="A-OBJ">
            <w cat="P" ee="P" ei="P" lemma="à">à</w>
                <w cat="V" ee="V--W" ei="VW" lemma="torpiller" mph="W" subcat="">torpiller</w>
            <NP fct="OBJ">
                <w cat="A" ee="A-ind-mp" ei="Amp" lemma="tout" mph="mp" subcat="ind">tous</w>
                <w cat="D" ee="D-def-mp" ei="Dmp" lemma="le" mph="mp" subcat="def">les</w>
                <w cat="N" ee="N-C-mp" ei="NCmp" lemma="projet" mph="mp" subcat="C">projets</w>
                    <w cat="P" compound="yes" ee="P" ei="P" lemma="en faveur de"> 
                        <w catint="P">en</w>
                        <w catint="N">faveur</w>
                        <w catint="P">de</w> 
                        <w cat="N" ee="N-P-ms" ei="NPms" lemma="Rhône" mph="ms" subcat="P">Rhône</w>
                        <w cat="PONCT" ee="PONCT-W" ei="PONCTW" lemma="-" subcat="W">-</w>
                        <w cat="N" ee="N-P-ms" ei="NPms" lemma="Rhin" mph="ms" subcat="P">Rhin</w>
        <w cat="PONCT" ee="PONCT-S" ei="PONCTS" lemma="." subcat="S">.</w>
(SENT (ADV Aussi) (VN-SUJ (CL s') (V est) (CL -elle) (V évertuée)) (VPinf-A_OBJ (P à) (VN (V torpiller)) (NP-OBJ (A tous) (D les) (N projets) (PP (P (P en) (N faveur) (P de)) (NP (N Rhône) (PONCT -) (N Rhin))))) (PONCT .))

Data visualization

<s id="-1067">
    <graph root="-1067_1008">
            <t id="-1067_1" word="Aussi" pos="ADV" lemma="aussi"/>
            <t id="-1067_2" word="s'" pos="CL" pers="3" lemma="il" num="s" subcat="refl" gen="f"/>
            <t id="-1067_3" word="est" pos="V" pers="3" lemma="être" num="s" tense="pst" mood="ind"/>
            <t id="-1067_4" word="-elle" pos="CL" pers="3" lemma="il" num="s" subcat="suj" gen="f"/>
            <t id="-1067_5" word="évertuée" pos="V" lemma="évertuer" num="s" tense="past" gen="f" mood="part"/>
            <t id="-1067_6" word="à" pos="P" lemma="à"/>
            <t id="-1067_7" word="torpiller" pos="V" lemma="torpiller" mood="inf"/>
            <t id="-1067_8" word="tous" pos="A" lemma="tout" num="p" subcat="ind" gen="m"/>
            <t id="-1067_9" word="les" pos="D" lemma="le" num="p" subcat="def" gen="m"/>
            <t id="-1067_10" word="projets" pos="N" lemma="projet" num="p" subcat="c" gen="m"/>
            <t id="-1067_11" word="en" pos="P" catint="P"/>
            <t id="-1067_12" word="faveur" pos="N" catint="N"/>
            <t id="-1067_13" word="de" pos="P" catint="P"/>
            <t id="-1067_14" word="Rhône" pos="N" lemma="Rhône" num="s" subcat="p" gen="m"/>
            <t id="-1067_15" word="-" pos="PONCT" lemma="-" subcat="w"/>
            <t id="-1067_16" word="Rhin" pos="N" lemma="Rhin" num="s" subcat="p" gen="m"/>
            <t id="-1067_17" word="." pos="PONCT" lemma="." subcat="s"/>
            <nt id="-1067_1001" cat="VN" fct="SUJ">
                <edge label="" idref="-1067_2"/>
                <edge label="" idref="-1067_3"/>
                <edge label="" idref="-1067_4"/>
                <edge label="" idref="-1067_5"/>
            <nt id="-1067_1002" cat="VN" >
                <edge label="" idref="-1067_7"/>
            <nt id="-1067_1003" cat="P" lemma="en_faveur_de" compound="yes">
                <edge label="" idref="-1067_11"/>
                <edge label="" idref="-1067_12"/>
                <edge label="" idref="-1067_13"/>
            <nt id="-1067_1004" cat="NP" >
                <edge label="" idref="-1067_14"/>
                <edge label="" idref="-1067_15"/>
                <edge label="" idref="-1067_16"/>
            <nt id="-1067_1005" cat="PP" >
                <edge label="" idref="-1067_1003"/>
                <edge label="" idref="-1067_1004"/>
            <nt id="-1067_1006" cat="NP" fct="OBJ">
                <edge label="" idref="-1067_8"/>
                <edge label="" idref="-1067_9"/>
                <edge label="" idref="-1067_10"/>
                <edge label="" idref="-1067_1005"/>
            <nt id="-1067_1007" cat="VPinf" fct="A_OBJ">
                <edge label="" idref="-1067_6"/>
                <edge label="" idref="-1067_1002"/>
                <edge label="OBJ" idref="-1067_1006"/>
            <nt id="-1067_1008" cat="SENT" >
                <edge label="" idref="-1067_1"/>
                <edge label="SUJ" idref="-1067_1001"/>
                <edge label="A_OBJ" idref="-1067_1007"/>
                <edge label="" idref="-1067_17"/>

Data visualization

1	Aussi	aussi	ADV	ADV	sentid=flmf3_01000_01499ep-1067	5	mod	5	mod
2	s'	le/lui	CL	CLR	g=f|n=s|p=3|s=refl	5	aff	5	aff
3	est	être	V	V	m=ind|n=s|p=3|t=pst	5	aux.tps	5	aux.tps
4	-elle	il	CL	CLS	g=f|n=s|p=3|s=suj	5	suj	5	suj
5	évertuée	évertuer	V	VPP	g=f|m=part|n=s|t=past	0	root	0	root
6	à	à	P	P	_	5	a_obj	5	a_obj
7	torpiller	torpiller	V	VINF	m=inf	6	obj.p	6	obj.p
8	tous	tout	A	ADJ	g=m|n=p|s=ind	10	mod	10	mod
9	les	le	D	DET	g=m|n=p|s=def	10	det	10	det
10	projets	projet	N	NC	g=m|n=p|s=c	7	obj	7	obj
11	en	en	P	P	mwehead=P+|pred=y	10	dep	10	dep
12	faveur	faveur	N	NC	g=f|n=s|s=c|pred=y	11	dep_cpd	11	dep_cpd
13	de	de	P	P	pred=y	11	dep_cpd	11	dep_cpd
14	Rhône	Rhône	N	NPP	g=m|n=s|s=p	11	obj.p	11	obj.p
15	-	-	PONCT	PONCT	s=w	14	ponct	14	ponct
16	Rhin	Rhin	N	NPP	g=m|n=s|s=p	14	mod	14	mod
17	.	.	PONCT	PONCT	s=s	5	ponct	5	ponct

Data visualization

La diminution paraît, toutefois, moins nette en France et en Italie.
<SENT argument="ECO" author="LEMONDE" date="1990-01-19" nb="1093" textID="467">
    <NP fct="SUJ">
        <w cat="D" ee="D-def-fs" ei="Dfs" lemma="le" mph="fs" subcat="def">La</w>
        <w cat="N" ee="N-C-fs" ei="NCfs" lemma="diminution" mph="fs" subcat="C">diminution</w>
        <w cat="V" ee="V--P3s" ei="VP3s" lemma="paraître" mph="P3s" subcat="">paraît</w>
    <w cat="PONCT" ee="PONCT-W" ei="PONCTW" lemma="," subcat="W">,</w>
    <w cat="ADV" ee="ADV" ei="ADV" lemma="toutefois">toutefois</w>
    <w cat="PONCT" ee="PONCT-W" ei="PONCTW" lemma="," subcat="W">,</w>
    <AP fct="ATS">
        <w cat="ADV" ee="ADV" ei="ADV" lemma="moins">moins</w>
        <w cat="A" ee="A-qual-fs" ei="Afs" lemma="net" mph="fs" subcat="qual">nette</w>
    <PP fct="MOD">
        <w cat="P" ee="P" ei="P" lemma="en">en</w>
            <w cat="N" ee="N-P-fs" ei="NPfs" lemma="France" mph="fs" subcat="P">France</w>
            <w cat="C" ee="C-C" ei="CC" lemma="et" subcat="C">et</w>
                <w cat="P" ee="P" ei="P" lemma="en">en</w>
                    <w cat="N" ee="N-P-fs" ei="NPfs" lemma="Italie" mph="fs" subcat="P">Italie</w>
    <w cat="PONCT" ee="PONCT-S" ei="PONCTS" lemma="." subcat="S">.</w>
(SENT (NP-SUJ (D La) (N diminution)) (VN (V paraît)) (PONCT ,) (ADV toutefois) (PONCT ,) (AP-ATS (ADV moins) (A nette)) (PP-MOD (P en) (NP (N France)) (COORD (C et) (PP (P en) (NP (N Italie))))) (PONCT .))

Data visualization

<s id="-1093">
    <graph root="-1093_1009">
            <t id="-1093_1" word="La" pos="D" lemma="le" num="s" subcat="def" gen="f"/>
            <t id="-1093_2" word="diminution" pos="N" lemma="diminution" num="s" subcat="c" gen="f"/>
            <t id="-1093_3" word="paraît" pos="V" pers="3" lemma="paraître" num="s" tense="pst" mood="ind"/>
            <t id="-1093_4" word="," pos="PONCT" lemma="," subcat="w"/>
            <t id="-1093_5" word="toutefois" pos="ADV" lemma="toutefois"/>
            <t id="-1093_6" word="," pos="PONCT" lemma="," subcat="w"/>
            <t id="-1093_7" word="moins" pos="ADV" lemma="moins"/>
            <t id="-1093_8" word="nette" pos="A" lemma="net" num="s" subcat="qual" gen="f"/>
            <t id="-1093_9" word="en" pos="P" lemma="en"/>
            <t id="-1093_10" word="France" pos="N" lemma="France" num="s" subcat="p" gen="f"/>
            <t id="-1093_11" word="et" pos="C" lemma="et" subcat="c"/>
            <t id="-1093_12" word="en" pos="P" lemma="en"/>
            <t id="-1093_13" word="Italie" pos="N" lemma="Italie" num="s" subcat="p" gen="f"/>
            <t id="-1093_14" word="." pos="PONCT" lemma="." subcat="s"/>
            <nt id="-1093_1001" cat="NP" fct="SUJ">
                <edge label="" idref="-1093_1"/>
                <edge label="" idref="-1093_2"/>
            <nt id="-1093_1002" cat="VN" >
                <edge label="" idref="-1093_3"/>
            <nt id="-1093_1003" cat="AP" fct="ATS">
                <edge label="" idref="-1093_7"/>
                <edge label="" idref="-1093_8"/>
            <nt id="-1093_1004" cat="NP" >
                <edge label="" idref="-1093_10"/>
            <nt id="-1093_1005" cat="NP" >
                <edge label="" idref="-1093_13"/>
            <nt id="-1093_1006" cat="PP" >
                <edge label="" idref="-1093_12"/>
                <edge label="" idref="-1093_1005"/>
            <nt id="-1093_1007" cat="COORD" >
                <edge label="" idref="-1093_11"/>
                <edge label="" idref="-1093_1006"/>
            <nt id="-1093_1008" cat="PP" fct="MOD">
                <edge label="" idref="-1093_9"/>
                <edge label="" idref="-1093_1004"/>
                <edge label="" idref="-1093_1007"/>
            <nt id="-1093_1009" cat="SENT" >
                <edge label="SUJ" idref="-1093_1001"/>
                <edge label="" idref="-1093_1002"/>
                <edge label="" idref="-1093_4"/>
                <edge label="" idref="-1093_5"/>
                <edge label="" idref="-1093_6"/>
                <edge label="ATS" idref="-1093_1003"/>
                <edge label="MOD" idref="-1093_1008"/>
                <edge label="" idref="-1093_14"/>

Data visualization

1	La	le	D	DET	sentid=flmf3_01000_01499ep-1093|g=f|n=s|s=def	2	det	2	det
2	diminution	diminution	N	NC	g=f|n=s|s=c	3	suj	3	suj
3	paraît	paraître	V	V	m=ind|n=s|p=3|t=pst	0	root	0	root
4	,	,	PONCT	PONCT	s=w	3	ponct	3	ponct
5	toutefois	toutefois	ADV	ADV	_	3	mod	3	mod
6	,	,	PONCT	PONCT	s=w	3	ponct	3	ponct
7	moins	moins	ADV	ADV	_	8	mod	8	mod
8	nette	net	A	ADJ	g=f|n=s|s=qual	3	ats	3	ats
9	en	en	P	P	_	3	mod	3	mod
10	France	France	N	NPP	g=f|n=s|s=p	9	obj.p	9	obj.p
11	et	et	C	CC	s=c	9	coord	9	coord
12	en	en	P	P	_	11	dep.coord	11	dep.coord
13	Italie	Italie	N	NPP	g=f|n=s|s=p	12	obj.p	12	obj.p
14	.	.	PONCT	PONCT	s=s	3	ponct	3	ponct

Data visualization